Clean Blue PHPLD Theme

Here it is another phpld template. It is pretty much the same as this rounded corners phpld template. Colors and everything else is the same except this one has square corners which I find better looking. Guess I am not into rounded corners after all. Anyway hope you like this one also.

BlueFreedom PHP Link Directory Theme

This is blueish rounded corners phpld ( php link directory ) template. It is converted to phpld from one of my xhtml/css designs. Hope you like simplicity and that rounded corners which are popular at this moment so I could not resist doing one with those...For using it just unzip the file and upload main.css and images to your root map of the directory and files from /templates map to /templates map on your server.

Simple Free Php Link Directory Template

This is 5 minute PHPLD template just to show what can be done by only editing main.css file of script. To install just overwrite existing files in /templates folder and main.css file in your directory root folder. Oh and remeber to make backup before you install this ! For the end just delete the files from /tmp/templates folder and you are done.